Dataset Article 4 direction rule

Custodian: Data design team

103 records

entity name prefix reference description document-url documentation-url notes organisation parent-article-4-direction-rule entry-date start-date end-date
8500000 Part 1 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CA The enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwelling house where this affects the external appearance of the dwelling. 2023‑09‑28
8500045 Part 1 Class A windows article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CAI Part 1 Class A covering works to windows only. P1CA 2023‑09‑28
8500046 Part 1 Class A doors article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CAII Part 1 Class A covering works to doors only. P1CA 2023‑09‑28
8500047 Part 1 Class AA article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CAA The enlargement of a dwellinghouse by construction of additional storeys. 2023‑09‑28
8500001 Part 1 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CB Additions etc to the roof of a dwellinghouse 2023‑09‑28
8500048 Part 1 Class B roof extension article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CBI Part 1 Class B covering roof extensions only P1CB 2023‑09‑28
8500049 Part 1 Class B rooflights article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CBII Part 1 Class B covering rooflights only P1CB 2023‑09‑28
8500050 Part 1 Class B dormer windows article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CBIII Part 1 Class B covering dormer windows only P1CB 2023‑09‑28
8500002 Part 1 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CC Other alterations to the roof of a dwellinghouse 2023‑09‑28
8500051 Part 1 Class C reroofing article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CCI Part 1 Class C covering re‑roofing only P1CC 2023‑09‑28
8500003 Part 1 Class D article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CD The erection or construction of a porch outside any external door of a dwellinghouse if visible from any place to which the public have access. 2023‑09‑28
8500004 Part 1 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CE Buildings etc incidental to the enjoyment of a dwellinghouse if fronting a relevant location 2023‑09‑28
8500005 Part 1 Class F article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CF Hard surfaces incidental to the enjoyment of a dwellinghouse where the hard surface would front a relevant location 2023‑09‑28
8500052 Part 1 Class G article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CG Chimneys, flues etc on a dwellinghouse 2023‑09‑28
8500006 Part 1 Class H article‑4‑direction‑rule P1CH Microwave antenna on a dwellinghouse where the installation, alteration or replacement of a satellite antenna fronts a relevant location, The erection, alteration or removal of a chimney on the dwelling or a building within its curtilage 2023‑09‑28
8500007 Part 2 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CA The erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure to which the public have access. 2023‑09‑28
8500053 Part 2 Class A alter front boundary article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CAI Part 2 Class A covering alterations to a front boundary only. P2CA 2023‑09‑28
8500008 Part 2 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CB Means of access to a highway 2023‑09‑28
8500009 Part 2 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CC External painting where the application of paint affects the texture or detailing of the exterior of the house, or would cover a currently unpainted surface 2023‑09‑28
8500099 Part 2 Class D article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CD Electrical outlet for recharging vehicles. 2023‑09‑28
8500100 Part 2 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CE Electrical upstand for recharging vehicles. 2023‑09‑28
8500101 Part 2 Class F article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CF Closed circuit television cameras. 2023‑09‑28
8500102 Part 2 Class G article‑4‑direction‑rule P2CG Moveable structures for pubs, restaurants etc. 2023‑09‑28
8500010 Part 3 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CA Restaurants, cafes, takeaways or pubs to retail 2023‑09‑28
8500054 Part 3 Class AA article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CAA Drinking establishments with expanded food provision. 2023‑09‑28
8500011 Part 3 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CB Takeaways or pubs to restaurants and cafes 2023‑09‑28
8500012 Part 3 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CC Retail, betting office or pay day loan shop to casino or restaurant or cafe 2023‑09‑28
8500013 Part 3 Class D article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CD Shops to financial and professional 2023‑09‑28
8500014 Part 3 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CE Financial and professional or betting office or pay day loan shop to shops 2023‑09‑28
8500015 Part 3 Class F article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CF Betting offices or pay day loan shops to financial and professional 2023‑09‑28
8500016 Part 3 Class G article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CG Retail or betting office or pay day loan shop to mixed use 2023‑09‑28
8500017 Part 3 Class H article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CH Mixed use to retail 2023‑09‑28
8500018 Part 3 Class I article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CI Industrial and general business conversions 2023‑09‑28
8500055 Part 3 Class J article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CJ Retail or betting office or pay day loan shop to assembly and leisure. 2023‑09‑28
8500056 Part 3 Class JA article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CJA Retail, takeaway, betting office, pay day loan shop, and launderette uses to offices. 2023‑09‑28
8500057 Part 3 Class K article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CK Casinos to assembly and leisure. 2023‑09‑28
8500019 Part 3 Class L article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CL Dwellinghouses to small HMOs 2023‑09‑28
8500020 Part 3 Class M article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CM Retail or betting office or pay day loan shop to dwellinghouses 2023‑09‑28
8500058 Part 3 Class MA article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CMA Commercial, business and service uses to dwellinghouses. 2023‑09‑28
8500021 Part 3 Class N article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CN Specified sui generis uses to dwellinghouses 2023‑09‑28
8500022 Part 3 Class O article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CO Offices to dwellinghouses 2023‑09‑28
8500023 Part 3 Class P article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CP Storage or distribution centre to dwellinghouses 2023‑09‑28
8500024 Part 3 Class PA article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CPA Premises in light industrial use to dwellinghouses 2023‑09‑28
8500025 Part 3 Class Q article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CQ Agricultural buildings to dwellinghouses 2023‑09‑28
8500026 Part 3 Class R article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CR Agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use 2023‑09‑28
8500027 Part 3 Class S article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CS Agricultural buildings to state funded school or registered nursery 2023‑09‑28
8500028 Part 3 Class T article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CT Business, hotels etc to state funded schools or registered nursery 2023‑09‑28
8500029 Part 3 Class U article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CU Return to previous use from converted state funded school or registered nursery 2023‑09‑28
8500030 Part 3 Class V article‑4‑direction‑rule P3CV Changes of use permitted under a permission granted on an application 2023‑09‑28
8500031 Part 4 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CA Temporary buildings and structures 2023‑09‑28
8500032 Part 4 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CB Temporary use of land 2023‑09‑28
8500059 Part 4 Class BA article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CBA Additional temporary use of land during the relevant period 2023‑09‑28
8500060 Part 4 Class BB article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CBB Moveable structures for historic visitor attractions and listed pubs, restaurants etc. 2023‑09‑28
8500033 Part 4 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CC Use as a state‑funded school for 2 academic years. 2023‑09‑28
8500061 Part 4 Class CA article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CCA Provision of a temporary state‑funded school on previously vacant commercial land. 2023‑09‑28
8500034 Part 4 Class D article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CD Shops, financial, cafes, takeaways, pubs to temporary flexible use 2023‑09‑28
8500035 Part 4 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P4CE Temporary use of buildings or land for film 2023‑09‑28
8500036 Part 5 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P5CA Use of land as caravan site 2023‑09‑28
8500062 Part 5 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P5CB Development on caravan site required by conditions 2023‑09‑28
8500063 Part 5 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P5CC Use of land by members of certain recreational organisations 2023‑09‑28
8500037 Part 6 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P6CA Agricultural development on units of 5 hectares or more 2023‑09‑28
8500038 Part 6 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P6CB Agricultural development on units of less than 5 hectares 2023‑09‑28
8500039 Part 6 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P6CE Forestry developments 2023‑09‑28
8500064 Part 7 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CA Extensions etc of commercial, business or service premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500065 Part 7 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CB Construction of shop trolley stores. 2023‑09‑28
8500066 Part 7 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CC Click and collect facilities. 2023‑09‑28
8500067 Part 7 Class D article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CD Modification of shop loading bays. 2023‑09‑28
8500068 Part 7 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CE Hard surfaces for commercial, business or service etc premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500069 Part 7 Class F article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CF Extensions etc of office buildings. 2023‑09‑28
8500070 Part 7 Class G article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CG Hard surfaces for office buildings. 2023‑09‑28
8500071 Part 7 Class H article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CH Extensions etc of industrial and warehouse. 2023‑09‑28
8500072 Part 7 Class I article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CI Developments relating to an industrial process. 2023‑09‑28
8500073 Part 7 Class J article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CJ Hard surfaces for industrial and warehouse premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500074 Part 7 Class K article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CK Waste deposits from an industrial process. 2023‑09‑28
8500075 Part 7 Class L article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CL Development at waste management facilities. 2023‑09‑28
8500076 Part 7 Class M article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CM Extensions etc for schools, colleges, universities , prisons and hospitals. 2023‑09‑28
8500077 Part 7 Class N article‑4‑direction‑rule P7CN Hard surfaces for schools, colleges, universities or hospitals. 2023‑09‑28
8500040 Part 9 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P9CE Repairs to unadopted streets and private ways 2023‑09‑28
8500041 Part 11 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P11CA Development by Historic England 2023‑09‑28
8500042 Part 11 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P11CB Demolition of buildings 2023‑09‑28
8500043 Part 11 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P11CC Demolition of gates, fences and walls etc 2023‑09‑28
8500078 Part 14 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CA Installation or alteration etc of solar equipment on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500079 Part 14 Class B article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CB Installation or alteration etc of stand‑alone solar equipment on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500080 Part 14 Class C article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CC Installation or alteration etc of ground source heat pumps on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500081 Part 14 Class D article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CD Installation or alteration etc of water source heat pumps on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500082 Part 14 Class E article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CE Installation or alteration etc of flue for biomass heating system on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500083 Part 14 Class F article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CF Installation or alteration etc of flue for combined heat and power on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500084 Part 14 Class G article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CG Installation or alteration etc of air source heat pumps on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500085 Part 14 Class H article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CH Installation or alteration etc of wind turbine on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500086 Part 14 Class I article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CI Installation or alteration etc of stand‑alone wind turbine on domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500087 Part 14 Class J article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CJ Installation or alteration etc of solar equipment on non‑domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500088 Part 14 Class K article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CK Installation or alteration etc of stand‑alone solar equipment on non‑domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500089 Part 14 Class L article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CL Installation or alteration etc of ground source heat pump on non‑domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500090 Part 14 Class M article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CM Installation or alteration etc of water source heat pump on non‑domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500091 Part 14 Class N article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CN Installation etc of flue for biomass heating system on non‑domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500092 Part 14 Class O article‑4‑direction‑rule P14CO Installation etc of flue for combined heat and power on non‑domestic premises. 2023‑09‑28
8500098 Part 20 Class ZA article‑4‑direction‑rule P20CZA Demolition of buildings and construction of new dwellinghouses in their place. 2023‑09‑28
8500093 Part 20 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P20CA New dwellinghouses on detached blocks of flats. 2023‑09‑28
8500094 Part 20 Class AA article‑4‑direction‑rule P20CAA New dwellinghouses on detached buildings in commercial or mixed use. 2023‑09‑28
8500095 Part 20 Class AB article‑4‑direction‑rule P20CAB New dwellinghouses on terrace buildings in commercial or mixed use. 2023‑09‑28
8500096 Part 20 Class AC article‑4‑direction‑rule P20CAC New dwellinghouses on terrace buildings in use as dwellinghouses. 2023‑09‑28
8500097 Part 20 Class AD article‑4‑direction‑rule P20CAD New dwellinghouses on detached buildings in use as dwellinghouses. 2023‑09‑28
8500044 Part 24 Class A article‑4‑direction‑rule P24CA The installation, alterations or replacement of any telecommunications apparatus 2023‑09‑28

This dataset was last updated on 28 September 2023

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